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Welcome to Vilasrao Deshmukh Government Medical College, Latur

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Welcome to Vilasrao Deshmukh Government Medical College, Latur


Department of Anatomy

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                                PRE& PARACLINICAL DEPARTMENTS

  • Name of the Department: ANATOMY


  • Details of faculty: (Teaching Staff)

Sr No                       Name of the faculty Designation
1 Dr. MangeshSantramSelukar Professor & H O D
2 Dr. SantoshkumarAnkushrao Dope Associate Professor
3 Dr. VaishaliBhagwantraoBhagwat Associate Professor
4 Dr. AsmitaSachinJadhav Associate Professor
5 Dr. UddhavWamanrao Mane Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Vrushali Vijay Maindarkar Assistant Professor
7 Dr. MeghaBapusahebSaknure Assistant Professor
8 Dr. Ashwini R. Anwikar JR II
9 Dr. Sanket V. Yelale JR I
10 Dr. Dhanshree D. Deshmukh Tutor
11 Dr. Ankita S. Manore Tutor
  • Details of Non Teaching Staff:

Sr No                  Name of the  staff Member Designation
1 Mr. Madhav J. Lahane Laboratory Technician
2 Mr. Pravin J. Lende Laboratory Assistant
3 Mr. Merajoddin S. Siddiqui Liftman


  • Facilities provided by department:

  1. Department of Anatomy, VDGMC, Latur runs the following courses
  • MBBS-150 students
  • MD (Anatomy) – 2 students per year
  • Conducts teaching Phd (Anatomy)
  • Conducts teaching for BPMT &Nursing
  1. Teaching programme for UG(undergraduate & Postgraduate) Students in the form of lectures, practical’s, seminars, internal assignment, tutorials competitions as per MUHS guidelines & CBME guidelines given by NMC
  2. Cosmetic Embalming and embalming for medical teaching purpose is done on regular basis.


  • Available Infrastructure:

  1. Lecture Hall with capacity of 180 students
  2. LCD rooms – two each with capacity of 75 students
  3. Seminar room with seating capacity 18 people
  4. Department library with 240 books & journals
  5. Dissection hall with capacity of 150 students well equipped with cadavers for dissection, cooling cabinets, embalming machine, Storage tanks & maceration tanks& preparation room.
  6. Histology practical Hall with capacity of 65 students equipped with Microscopes& Slides sets, charts, diagrams and preparation room.
  7. Gross anatomy museum – Mounted Specimens.
  8. Embryology museum with models, radiology museum with X-ray viewing boxes& x-rays.
  9. Research laboratory well equipped with all the instruments and chemicals required for histotechniques and slide preparation dissertation work of PG students.


  • Details of any CME Programs, conferences and / or any academic activity conducted by department

  • Conducted cadaveric oath, Dean’s address for 1st year MBBS students.
  • Conducted Rangoli competition covering various topics in Gross anatomy,Embryology andHistology.
  • Conducted workshop with OBGY,
  • Conducted workshop with ENT – Temporal bone dissection.
  • Organ Exhibition for students of various schools


  • Details of any awards and achievement received by the faculties or students

  • Mangesh S. Selukar is working as an editor for two international Journals.
  • Vaishali V. Bhagwatis working as a member of peer reviewer board for 3 journals


  • Future plans

Aiming towards introducing

  1. Virtual Dissection tableAnatomage
  2. Equipping lecture halls with smart boardand audio visuals aids
  3. Developing bone bank for students
  4. Body donation awareness campaigns

 Any other departmental information

Department is striving hard to update the teaching system for the betterment of students by introducing innovative methods of teaching according to the CBME curriculum and as per NMC guidelines.

Faculty Information

Name           : Dr. Mangesh S. Selukar

Designation : Professor & HOD
Qualification: MBBS,MS Anatomy
Total number of Publications :  14

National – 06

International- 08


Name           :Dr. Santoshkumar A. Dope

Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification: MBBS,MS Anatomy
Total number of Publications : 37

National -25



Name           :Dr.Vaishali V.Bhagwat

Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification:MBBS,MS Anatomy
Total number of Publications : 11

National – 09

International- 02

Name           : Dr. Asmita S. Jadhav

Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification: MBBS,MD Anatomy
Total number of Publications :  08

National – 06

International- 02

Name           : Dr. Uddhav W. Mane

Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification: MBBS,MD Anatomy
Total number of Publications : 13

National – 03

International- 10

Name           : Dr. Vrushali V. Maindarkar

Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification: MBBS,MD Anatomy
Total number of Publications :  04

National – 01

International- 03

Name           : Dr. Megha B. Saknure

Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification: MBBS,MD Anatomy
Total number of Publications : 03

National – 02

International– 01

  • Updated photo Gallery of the department

Professor & HOD







Histology Laboratory









Gross Anatomy

Gross Anatomy